Sheryl Boyle, PhD
CSALT Director
Dr. Sheryl Boyle is Director of the Carleton Sensory Architecture & Liminal Technology lab where she supervises immersive materials research and innovative design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) processes, including work in building components for prefabrication, biogenic materials, craft knowledge and construction systems that contribute to a circular economy. Her work brings processes of design together with materiality alongside both digital and manual fabrication in the sensory and experimental realm of research creation.
Her recent research includes a MITACS grant with ABB Robotics, a collaboration with ETH Zürich’s DFAB lab using industrial robotics in the assembly of prefabricated construction systems, a MITACS with the Canadian Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute using topology optimization software to reduce concrete use in structures, and an industry partnership contract looking at prefabrication processes for housing. Recently completed projects include a MITACS with Ottawa’s leading digitally-fabricated housing manufacturer, Advanced Building Innovation Company (ABIC) with Professor Jerry Hacker. In 2024/25 her CSALT lab employs a team of 7 undergraduates, 4 graduate students and 1 PhD who are collaborating on various DfMA processes and materials.
Sheryl is a member of the Concordia Centre for Sensory Studies and completed her PhD in Sensory Studies entitled “Fragrant Walls and the Table of Delight: Sensory (re)construction as a Way of Knowing, the case of Thornbury Castle” under the supervision of Dr. David Howes, Dr. Cynthia Imogen-Hammond and Dr. Rod Phillips. This research creation dissertation details a process for knowing through multi-modal “making” reconstruction exercises across disciplines including cooking, carpentry, confection and code.